State Senator: FBI Did Not Inform Local Authorities Before Killing Henderson, Tennessee Man in Raid

According to a Tennessee state senator, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) did not inform relevant local authorities that it would be conducting a raid in Chester County that resulted in the death of a Henderson man.

“I’ve been making some inquiries since I learned of it,” State Senator Page Walley (R-Savannah) told The Tennessee Star Tuesday. “I’ve been on the phone with the Chester County Sheriff’s Department, and the Henderson police. “Neither the sheriff’s department or the Henderson Police Department were informed by the FBI until after the event.”

Walley (pictured above) told The Star that the Henderson Police Department was called in to secure the scene after Theodore Deschler was shot and killed on August 16 in a morning raid and that the investigation at the home lasted for two days.

“It’s a concern, and I’m doing what I can to glean information,” Walley said. “I’m going to keep making calls.”

FBI Chief Division Counsel and Public Affairs Officer Joel Siskovic told The Star that the federal law enforcement entity could not comment further than a statement already released on the matter.

“The FBI is reviewing an agent-involved shooting which occurred today at approximately 6:40 am [on August 16] while FBI SWAT was conducting an arrest operation in Henderson, TN,” that statement said. “The subject is deceased. The FBI takes all shooting incidents involving our agents or task force members seriously. In accordance with FBI policy, the shooting incident is under review by the FBI’s Inspection Division. As this is an ongoing matter, we have no further details to provide.”

Asked whether Walley’s claim that local authorities were not warned, Siskovic declined to comment.

It remains unclear why Deschler, reportedly a 100 percent disabled veteran, was shot and killed on the scene. It also remains unclear why the FBI raided Deschler’s home in the first place.

According to Deschler’s family, the FBI still has not informed them of the events leading up to the fatal shooting.

Deschler’s mother, who was not named in a local WBBJ TV report, described the killing as “senseless.”

“It was a senseless act,” she reportedly said. “You know Teddy was a 100% disabled veteran. He had problems. He had severe PTSD. He had depression but he was getting help for it but this was senseless. He didn’t have a weapon on him. He was just trying to get out of the house because it was filled with tear gas.”

The story of Deschler’s death has not garnered much media coverage locally or nationally.

Jim Hoft, founder of The Gateway Pundit, joined Steve Bannon’s War Room to discuss the shooting on August 28.

“What we know, Steve, is that the FBI arrived in a pre-dawn raid,” said Hoft. “They knocked on the door, they grabbed his mother, dragged her outside, [and] put her in the back of a police car. She asked them, ‘what is this all about, what are you doing?’ and they said, ‘It’s none of your business.’”

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) told The Star that its involvement in the matter has not been requested.

The Star contacted several other Tennessee lawmakers at the state and federal levels, but Tuesday comment requests went unreturned.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter.
Photo “Page Walley” by Page Walley. Background
Photo “Crime Scene Tape” by Tony Webster. CC BY-SA 4.0.




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9 Thoughts to “State Senator: FBI Did Not Inform Local Authorities Before Killing Henderson, Tennessee Man in Raid”

  1. Bruce Leinaar

    Without further details, a “Pre-Dawn Raid” by a SWAT Team at the home of a disabled veteran is highly suspicious behavior that must be explained and justified.

  2. Robert

    Talk about the fox guarding the hen house. The FBI investigating the FBI?

  3. Dwayne Oxford

    FBI=lucifer’s jackboot goons. ZERO conscience.

  4. Mike Gilmer

    This sounds like Ruby Ridge 2.0. I bet the FBI Stasi will whitewash the whole thing and the local DA will not have the testicular courage to bring murder charges against the murderer.

  5. Julie Quan

    On 3/30/2023 State Senator Page Walley was for “conversations” and serious consideration of red flag laws as he discussed in a public county GOP meeting before he was against them. So glad he heard from and listened to his district’s voters before special session as I was stunned by his 3/30 remarks!

    Attending meetings, meeting elected officials and letting them know when you agree and disagree with their stances is SO important! The left works hard at their agenda – don’t let the leftists outwork the silent majority in TN!


    This story makes me sick to my stomach. I agree with FJB. Every case & situation the FBI sticks its nose in becomes a disaster; ie, the investigation on the shooting at Mandalay Bay killing 50 people, just vanished; they had plenty of warning that a former student at Parkland School in FLwas threatening to kill, & they just ignored it, so did the School Superintendebt & Sheriff. So the shooter killed innocent children in FL; fake kidnapping of Gov Gretchin Whitmer MI & the fedsurrection in DC, where Ashli Babbit, a Veteran Military Police officer, who did FOUR TOURS IN IRAQ was murdered by a black Capitol Police officer, Michael Byrd. Who ordered him to shoot & kill an unarmed young woman? If he were white, he’d be in prison, like Derek Chauvin, but No he has received all kinds of honors.
    They (FBI) comes into Nashville & order that the Manifesto of Covenant killer cannot be released. Why were they involved, & how do they just give out orders to State & Local Police? I think Christpher Wray is one evil man. I cannot wait until Trump is elected (for the 3rd time). There is a lot of housecleaning to do. Who investigates the FBI? I think our TN AG Schermetti needs to file a lawsuit regarding the killing of a Tennessee Veteran by the FBI, while his mother sat in a car outside.
    I’m the daughter of a WWII Veteran. People had better Wake up. This administration kills people with abandon. Shut up & Do what we say, you Serf.

  7. FJB

    All TN law enforcement needs to stop all cooperation and communications with the FBI. The FBI is no longer a legitimate law enforcement organization. It has become an American version of the KGB, and it work for the dictatorship in DC.

  8. Rocky

    Might be an act of Swatting?
    Swatting can and does get people killed and should be a Federal Felony.
